Saturday, December 5, 2009

This week first of December

The week has been quite eventfull. I met a Princeton alumn on Tue, World AIDS day. Went to a performance by Ombetja Yehinga on Wed that commemerated World AIDS Day (watch this space for a review). On Thursday I was home and yesterday I visited my friend Chisha.

All this week and last, I have been walking to work. But not everyday, somedays my mother dropped me off if she was ready to leave the house by 8. Wait is that the tortoise moving outside? I should go see, out my window!
Yes there she is sticking her long neck out from her shell from underneath the lemon tree. I am off them to give her (I assume it's a she, a leopard tortoise that is a protected species, but we have one as a pet at home, of course illegally). I mean in Namibia, people just have these animals.
I need to go giver her some cucumber peels and leftover lettuce from lunch today.

I cooked a nice lunch,with a salad too. My brother, praise the Lord, agreed to wash his own dishes! This is incredible!

Take care dear readers (friends I assume).
I plan to post alot more, concerning my visit to the home for orphans and vulnerable children, baby haven. The kids were on my back, riding on my back. I was carrying two at once today, one in the front and on my back. On my chest and by my shoulders .
It reminds me of paterning in dance, a weird pilobus type thing. And they all liked to hold my hands pulling on them as they walked up my knees and then did a backwards flip.
Except the one boy who tried but could not. He is HIV positive and is seven years old. I could not believe his age, he looks much younger, four. He apparently started walking this past year, according to the volunteers at this place, "Baby Haven". His illness kept him dilapitated for so long. However, I believe he has been on ARV all his life, though I am not sure whether he was taking it before he came to Baby Haven.

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