Monday, August 8, 2016


Oh Lord,
Let me reconnect with you. I have somehow forgotten that you are here. And instead, I have turned to things of the world. Help finish the work you started by bringing me here for the MPH. 


Saturday, April 9, 2016

09 April

I realize – now – how I have to always offer up to God all my worries and insecurities. In the case of my grandmother being so far away, I have to truly trust everyday that my aunty and Veronika are doing a good job. Even my cousin – who steals from her – I too need to trust he is not merely stealing. Yet I am so desperate for him to cease, for him to admit, for him to ask for repentance.
I am now going to turn to my own studies, the studies my grandmother is proud of me for pursuing.

Ahora voy a entregar cada preocupación a Dios. 

I also take a moment of silence to remember all those who perished in the Rwandan genocide.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Este bitácora va de lo que cada uno de nosotros busca – el amor. Estoy en los tramites de escribir mi tesina y decidí escribir algo corto de mi vida.

Es la fin de está busqueda, la que me parecía interminable. La búsqueda para una pareja. El chico al que persiguía, es decir el chico al cual he intentado traerlo a mí, me dijo estar enamorado de otro. Por mi parte, no quedan mas recursos - de tiempo o energia - para buscar otra.
Esta bien. Una vez entregada mi tesina, todo será possible de Nuevo.