Saturday, May 29, 2010

Conception, Immaculate or in General (Wed 26th)

Do I know where I was conceived? No, my parents were the type who told us “you know when you were conceived, we were in…” not at all like the mothers and fathers in some movies from the United States. There will be at time for everything, even for discovering that fact. When I see Jesus, I believe, he will reveal all the answers, irrespective of how many questions we have asked or are yet to ask. Then we will make love, but I will not conceive.

This blog is about me maundering, writing, in between those obligations of having to study statistics for my own interest, watering the garden, talking and living in my home. I would write about how I live in Windhoek and thereby write “proudly Namibia”, but I think it would be best that I leave it to belong to the world.

There is so much, an immense amount of writing to and yet it is not possible to do it all. However, we can by writing transcend this corporal, space time limitations and “live all those lives” we cannot live, at least according to a write with the last name Alvarez, a woman who speaks about writing as a craft in a collection of essays on writing in the American cultural center.

I would write about how I did not let a professor, who is just called a lecturer in Namibia, cut in front of me in line today. I was waiting in a long que to pay my overdue fee for the library book that I should have renewed by calling, but failed. He had to pay as well, and he just cut infront a long, winding, que of students in the dingy, stygian office building. I stood up for my rights and I wish there was a courteous form in English so I could say : Signore come osa mettersi davanti a tutti noi? Aspetto da due ore per raggiungere questo sportello per pagare e lei non sene frega?

I think I will write more. Affirmative, my next piece will be on the invisibility of men who have sex with men in the public health campaign “break the chain of multiple concurrent partners”. I want to write it in plain simple English, without being too academic, because this is how I will reach a wider audience. The Lord sends out signs and even though I want to begin relearning and deepening my knowledge of CSPro, really I have to write! Gotta write!

Take Care!


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