Sunday, January 31, 2010

Christian salvation!

Last Sunday I read the Bible and more often than not, reading the Bible leaves my faith shaken, as was the case then. I read a part of the Epistle of St Paul to the Romans , chapter 9 verses 19-24:


I find this verse very disturbing. It seems St Paul is telling us that God can choose to make two pots, one for keeping and the other for destroying (verse 19-22). As humans, we have no right to ask God why he does this. But of course we do! The whole idea of creating pots for destruction which are compared to humans is cruel, in my opinion. It is like we were made for hell and verse 24 corroborates this.

I felt increasingly frustrated with this verse, but then I read further. In Chapter 10 St Paul speaks about how he prays for the Jews to be save “quote verses 1 to 2”

I compare this to our Catholic Prayer, The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, which has the principal words of “For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world”. So if St Paul can pray for salvation of others. Chapter speaks about the unification of Jew and Gentile in Christ and how the message needs to be proclaimed “God is the same Lord of all and richly blesses all who call to him. As the scripture says, ‘Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved?’ ” (10:12-13)

So then he speaks about spreading the message and how that is necessary for people to be saved. However, then it makes no sense with what was said earlier. No-one can be doomed to destruction, because really, does it not mean that we can all be saved, so God does not purposefully make us for damnation.

Concerning the Jews, in Roman 12 Paul affirms how that even though the Jews may reject the Christ, God cannot break his first covenant, His promise to them and reject them “ Romans 12 verse 29-32”

Again, the universal mercy is reaffirmed here.

It just makes more confused. Perhaps this faith is syncretic and there are elements that are not completely consistent. Nonetheless, I am in love with Christ and I believe he will figure it all out.

I just remember the talk I had with David Lewa, I think the last day of reunions 2009, we were outside Spelman and he was about to leave, to take time off. We spoke about this and we prayed, we stretched out our arm and held them and prayed. I was questioning this idea of condemnation and he prayed for me. David Lewa is a great guy, another example of a Christian that draws others to Christ by virtue of his sincerity.

All theology boffins, Zach Marr, JD Walters, Jay Han would you comment on this? Morgan, my friend from Namibia, please also comment on this, you too are a theology student. I have great admiration for you, I personally could not study this “professionally”, it would drive me mad.

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