Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Indepdence day 2017

Oggi e'stata bella giornata, devo dire la verita.
Today was an incredible day, I must say the truth.
And yet, I did not get to writing much. Because on this independence morning, I decided to go town in a attempt to attend mass. Yet Mass had shifted on account of the independence day. I walked back home, feeling so tired.

Now, I am ready to go to sleep. And, I realize my limitations lie before me. I am doubtful I will be able to do a creative writing course, in addition to my usual meanderings regarding what I should study for a PhD. The only reason to this course is this. Devo trovare un nuovo modo per apprezare la notte, non posso continuare cosi, sul internet, cercando chiacchiere per webcam, non va bene.
Nonostante, non posso cosi tante cose alla volta.
Dunque, magari non faccio il MOOC creative writting. Ma va', se non lo faccio, che cosa faccio in posto suo? Uscire durante la settimana? Non lo so, ma se faccio un programma, ce lo faro'.

Domani vorrei nuoatare. Oggi ho fatto Tai Chi con Ru, amica mia. Domani nuoto. C'e' anche la questione di spostarmi a un apartamento o no. Io penso di si, ma sara' un cambio grande. Vediamo.

Actually, I feel quite overwhelmed. I think I will have to defer the creative writing course. Its all very simple really, I need to connect with people here. And so I doubt I will spend much time reading and writing my own short stories.

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