Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Attraction after TB talk

Blog: attraction after TB talk
P1: the doctor I was talking to could not have been more attractive. Here was this young American man sitting next to me talking to me about his research and his work : "if I want to test a patient for resistance , I just do it." the intonation of his voice and the his eyes moved seemed to hint that he was of my persuasion: gay, which even made home more of an interest to me. Indeed, he would have been a perfect partner, save the blemishes on his face. Were they acne or some type of skin disease or cuts? Were they type you get when you have HIV? So he could be a gay doctor who I also HIV positive? I did not know I was contemplating all of this till much after out talk had ended and I was left to think of our encounter in my room. It had stimulated by intellectual and emotional interests and it revealed the prejudices I held. I admit it, I am not just interested in the disease as a researcher, I also fear it like any gay man on the prowl, and despite all my knowledge I have the same fears: is it going to get me?


I have seen this doctor a couple of times since that talk and I notice that the blemishes on his face are not acne or herpes sores or Kaposi Sarcoma lesions or whatever disease I though they were, but merely beauty spots, birthmarks, which make him uniquely handsome. 

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