Sunday, January 30, 2011

Un blog incompiuto – se desideri leggerne di più, lascia un commento qui giù. (In complete blog, if you would like to read more, leave a comment

The difficulty in putting something to posterity. I find myself at odds with the desire to write, because I too strive to do other things. Studying mathematics, learning to programme with R…, reading novels (I am reading En l'absence des hommes, La ciudad de la Bestia) and an enthnography Agor Medicine. But still I need to write.


I want to first of all say these will be very terse entries from now.

It is morning now, Monday morning, at home. My mother will soon be off to work and today there will be no need to make her a sandwich, as she will go off to a workshop on child labor where she will be fed.


Last Friday:

I collected applications for the United World College scholarships here in Namibia.

Cooked a bean and split pea soup for dinner – Shabbat dinner. I now fondly look forward to dinner every Friday because though I usually cook something that is far from Kosher (I am Catholic, after all) it still reminds me of the tranquility of the Shabat I spent at the CJL at Princeton with my friends.


Monday: Today I dreamt of a copy of the Flamingo before me, lying on the ground, and the magazine had a section about HIV in it. The Flamingo, in case you did not know, is the magazine of Air Namibia and I do freelance writing for them (for which they pay me well). My dream I think speaks to my desire to synthesize my writings about Namibian people with that of my interest in HIV. I did do that, in the last article I wrote about the Red Cross, but I long to do it again. My dream though also featured another man, with delicate skin. He was my lover and we kissed with the magazine in the background.


Samedi: Nous sommes allés, moi et ma mère, au parc national du parlement de la république de la Namibie. Comme on faisait toujours, on y jouait du badmington, un loisir qu'on pratiquait depuis mon enfance ici en Namibie. Alors qu'on jouait, il y avait un touriste, un homme, lequel s'approchait de nous, en descendant les escaliers qui menaient au parc ou menait au parlement en les montant. Il s'est attardé un peu au bout des escaliers à nous regarder. J'ai ressenti son regard sur moi et je lui ai donné aussi quelque coup d'œil, il était jeune, assez haut et blanc, vraisemblement…


Monday : I just got this message : Good morning Pancho. I was given your number by Mukariko [ I helped her prepare for GRE last year this time] I will be writing a GRE exam early march and she thinks you can help me pass the exam exceptionally. I am gunning for a scholarship so I really need to do very well. Can u help me? It would mean intense work and preparation.


Sure I can help her, provided she pays me a pretty penny for my efforts – after all if go to Spain this July (to do an intense course of castellano) I'll need the cash..


Si, certo che ti posso aiutare carinissima, anche se non ti conosco – se me paghi bene, ti posso aiutare con i tuoi problemi matemattici. Ne profiteremo tutti i due...

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