Is this guy for real? I feel amused and flattered and flustered. He texts me, barely knows me and says “
To this text I reply, tapping away while I wonder what he means by that “I don’t know what to say”.
You may want to know what I am that he was surprised by. If you know me well enough, you know what I am talking about. If you don’t then you don’t know what I am, that which I say implicitly (please, you call this implicit, you are oozing with heteroertoticism here).
Breaking news – I just found more evidence for my one of theories about the meaning of his text. “But you’re down ryt interesting mix of culture..og that’s what got me ticking.”
He just texted me this.
This comment echoes what he said earlier, when he saw me, met me in the flesh. We were waiting outside, in a line of seats, waiting to audition for a job as a promoters for an add agency. I guess that fact that the add in the paper required “well groomed” promoters brought out my handsome qualities so much so that even he noticed them.
He was, from the onset, open. He spoke with people in the line and his voice is a soothing and low, the kind you hear on only real good radio. Then I started talking to this other lady in the line, who cut in front of me. A black Namibian lady, she is who told me that “she needed a seat” and that’s why she did not stand in the line of people that was before the row of seats. Cheeky. She told me about how is Japanese, but somehow made it to
“So you are both Namibian and Bulgarian, wow.” He later went in, auditioned, came out and I as was walking in for my turn he asked for my number which I gave willingly.
So yeah, it must be a thirst. He seems extroverted, somewhat like me and he is cosmopolitan and urban. He wants to know someone with a “double culture”
As my French friend said the other day “Tu es tellement chanceux d’être un cheval entre deux cultures.”
A horse inbetween two cultures, that’s what I heard, I maybe misheard, but I think it makes sense.
Is he for real then? Oh Mohammed, I wonder what you think!
I guess I am, the fact I am writing this in an American fashion demonstrates how hybrid I am. How my English has changed or just become more American than it was before (the US English is the arguably the hegemony).
I texted (smsmed back) saying:
“yeah and I like anthropology too.”
Hope it does not sound ironic, cause I do.
The reply
“Woah…an adition to
He is for real, I think. He really finds me fascinating.
So to really try and force out straight talk from him, I am about to write:
“Are you one of them?”
I actually wrote “ just 4 str8 talk, tell me r u dying for me?”
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