Hello dear readers I am welcoming you to another of my blogs. I want to start with a reflection on my week, but before let me just underline the disaster in Haiti and how our response is needed. Imaginate, non ci rendiamo conto del fatto che mentre che ci occupiamo di impegni quotidiani e affair della nostra vita, tante gente cerca di sopravivre, una vera lotta per la vita. Anzi, cene rendiamo conto solo quando siamo davanti alla TV, guardando le notizie del giornale e poi continuamo a vivere come sempre =( Imagine we do not realise that while we are occupying ourselves with our day to day business, we do not realise that people are struggling to survive. Actaully, we do realize this, but only when we are in front of the TV watching the news and then we move on.
How did we become so inured and desensitized to disasters? Anthropologists probably have looked at this phenomenon to understand the social structures and cultural constructs that allow us to bypass any serious, long term engagement with people who are suffering in places removed from our world, such as on the island of Haiti. In any case, I donated U$5 to the relief efforts in Haiti, it was online and took me less than 5 minutes.
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