Saturday, December 12, 2009

I wonder why I spend so much time here. Ok Letme just say something.
Life is indeed what happends when you are making plans (John Lennon). I was planning the things I needed to do before the 18th December, when I probably will go up north (no internet) to visit my cousins and grandma when my mom called from outside "When you see your father later today, get the key for the house he keeps there".
My father kind of lost two keys for the house and plus he has moved out.
I replied instinctilvely and said "No you ask him, I don't want to communicate on my behalf". This threw my mothers nerves awry and she barged into my room yelling
"Why can't you do this, why? So simple!" Her eyes were glaring and on fire, she took my lap from its case and drop it as she shouted in desperation, her whole face mugging.
I just kept quite and sighed and then said I would. I still hear echoes of her outrage "How can you say this? Just a simple thing."

I said it because my mother does use me as a channel for communication for her angry messages to my father and I just don't like it.
But I can't take this either.
So she said, "tell your father to divorce me!" when she came back to my room.
And that's what i'll do.

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