Monday, August 31, 2009


tHERE i WAS IN THE DARK MOVING UNDERNEATH THE LEMOM branches, rumaging, searching for just one more Lemon. I never took Toni Morrison's atelier class, but I sure do love her writing, from Beloved. I want to use "rutting" but then I realized I meant rumaging.
The scent of lemon was about the leaves, there I was looking for one mroe lemon for more lemon juice for the chocolate tart I was making for my mother, her birthday is tomorrow.
There was no more lemon, but perhaps there was, but the dark concealed it, the small amount of white light bathing the area was not enough, not enough for me to see.

Though I can only be grateful for today. I won 1000 NAD (let's see how fast I am at division about U$125). Cool. Yes I apparently sent an sms message in the Bank Windhoek Competition, where they asked whether their patronage of the arts in Namibia was contributing to development, i.e. is this a good thing? Yes, a resounding yes.

I met a colleage of mine, in the room. In the room where we have tea, I offered some of my oatmeal raisin cookies, the cookies I baked against all odds last night, in spite of temptation to stray into the world of internet porn. I stuck to the recipe.
And she asked" Cookies, don't you call it a biscuit?"
"They are from the US, I learnt about them in US" and from one word to the next, as we say in Bulgarian, she found about me, she is Kudzai. She went to te United World College of the Adriatic. She knows basically my whole story, about how my dad went to Bulgaria , during the struggle as a commie...

Ok enough of this time to plan:
What do I want to do? Now!
1) I must study probability
2) New GRE words need to be learnt
3) Write to Pabso about my idea for a UWC national committee that selects students from civil society organisations.

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